Barbados with 4month + 2week old in early March 30 degrees

Is this okay? Has anyone travelled to Barbados with such a young baby in 30degree heat? We are from the UK, It was booked before I was pregnant and we’ve added her on but now I’m panicking!
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I would just be prepared to not spend the peak of the day out in the sun. Early mornings and evenings would be fine. Where I live in the summer it’s 40+ degrees and I wouldn’t take my preschooler out in it. Get some good UPF sunshades, hats, baby sun cream and a portable fan. Lots of breastmilk or formula to keep hydrated and cool Be careful with mosquitos (get a net to go over cot/buggy/sunshades xx

Also get VERY good medical insurance x

Not Barbados but we went to Cape Verde when our son was 3 months and it was around that temperature. We stayed a lot in the shade by the baby pool, had a factor 50 umbrella and swimsuit as sun cream isn’t recommended when they are that small. We went to Barbados when Theo was older, not saying this to scare but just a heads up, another baby who was about 6 months got bitten by a mosquito and was really poorly with dengue fever. That was in January so unsure if it’s still mosquito season in March but worth looking into! Defo recommend a mosquito net for the evenings and keep them in there as much as possible. In Cape Verde myself and husband got covered in bites but luckily baby didn’t as was often in the orange in the evening! I’m sure you will have a lovely time and I agree about good travel insurance for all of you just in case xx

Babies can't regulate their temperature at that age. I went to tenerife when mine was 4 months and it was only about 24 degrees and I was losing my mind worrying over the temperature. I was getting up multiple times per night messing with the air con That said temperature was my obsession in the early months even at home I'd be obsessing over what tog bag he should be in etc.

Thank you everyone, I think we will change our location as have that as an option x

We went to Barbados with an 11 month old but I took my girl at 8 weeks and at 6 months to Australia where it’s 30-40c. Same as everyone else, good spf, shade and hats, pram fan, mosquito stickers, baby sunglasses and pool time. Enjoy it, Barbados was lovely and has a very nice breeze.

You’ll be absolutely fine, it’s the easiest age for flying and at that age it’s much easier to keep baby in the shade. They just need a nappy and light vest on - snoozeshade and mosquito net and all will be fine! Enjoy it, will be the easiest holiday you have with a little one

You’ll be fine!! I took my 8 week old to Portugal it was 30 degrees and he was absolutely fine in the shade, take multiple portable fans, sound machine, baby friendly organic suncream (this is a must as the ordinary suncream contains too many harsh chemicals that go through the skin) sun hat and a snooze shade. Don’t over think it, you’ll have the best time x

We live in UK but my partner is from North Brazil and we took our baby there when she was 3 months old. It's around 30 degrees every day and she was fine. Just stay inside during the hottest part of the day. We went to the pool and beach early in the morning and held an umbrella over her head when walking to and from the car. Really recommend getting a portable fan - I got one from Amazon and it's the best money I've ever spent. Usb charged, bendy legs to wrap around car seat, pram, chair etc. It goes with us whenever we travel to a hot place.

That said, it might feel like a waste of a holiday if you're stuck indoors most of the day!

We went to Greece when baby was 4 months it was 30 degrees in the day We would put him in a UV tent and hat in the afternoon around 3pm and go to the beach and swim Definitely worth it

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