They have to give you worst case scenario to cover everything that could happen. I had an elective and the Dr was the same with me but I did my own research and decided what was best for me and baby but I am glad they told me worst case so I had all the information I could get x
They need to give you the full information of potential risks, most of them are low probability, they will go through this with you another 2 times with a consent form. I had an elective c-section in June and went absolutely fine. They just legally have to give you all the information x
It’s their duty to inform patients of all risks and complications that may occur with surgery. They did the same with me.
It’s funny because before I had my emergency csection they read out the consent form to me and actually skipped over some of the worse risks because they knew I didn’t really have a choice, similarly for my second one as it is potentially safer than a vbac they haven’t gone into the risks other than possibly scratching the baby or my bladder, I think when they know you’re not doing it on a whim they’re a bit nicer about how they talk about it! Someone could stand with a clipboard about all the risks of having a vaginal birth (there are equally many!) but they don’t because you don’t have a choice!
I had an elective c-section, and all went well and healed fine. It is a daunting thought prior to it but it was all good.
I had an emergency c-section and literally didn't even have time for them to explain anything to me before anaesthesia other than we need to go now however I had done a bit of research myself before. I'm not pregnant again yet but me and my partner have already decided that our next baby will be an elective c-section so we don't have the risk of the emergency happening again and both get to be present for the birth. They'll have to explain the risks to you however its your baby, your birth and your choice! Whenever I had spoke about c-section as an option during my pregnancy I was sort of brushed off by consultants etc and I got the impression that they encourage you not to have one generally which I didn't like and spoke to my midwife about and she reiterated that its my choice if we went that route, perhaps discuss your experience with your midwife too?
Yep it’s very normal for them to read out the risks to you, they have to.
That’s really poor behaviour from that consultant and there was no need to deliver it to anyone but the patient. They have to do this with any surgery but sadly they don’t tell vaginal mums all the risks of their birth and interventions. I’ve had 2 electives with nothing happening, didn’t even need to use the blood on standby as I lost less than 300ml both times. No issues with me or baby, no after effects either. I’ll have my third baby with an elective too xx
I actually felt pushed into having a c-section but baby was measuring large and I think they looked at me next to my husband and thought mm c-section. I wanted a natural waterbirth but they kept talking about shoulder dystosia and the risks to baby. I think they were more worried about baby getting stuck and then needing an emergency c-section which is more traumatic than elective. I was terrified but the surgery team were wonderful and really lovely. All went well x
Thank you all, all this has been super helpful and im feeling much better knowing that they just have to follow the protocols and read out all the risks. And that i shouldnt been thinking or taking too much stress about this.
Doctors should advise based on your individual case. I felt like I was talked into a c section for my 3rd after having two previous vaginal births and the risks of a vaginal birth with a big baby seemed to outweigh the risks of a c section so I agreed with the drs recommendation and went for the c section. Hope all goes well for you ❤️
Like with any surgery, they have to inform you of the risks and worst case scenarios. I had an emergency section April 2023 and had a good healing process. I’m planning on an elective in June for baby number 2