It’s hard and had a love hate relationship with contact naps and supporting to sleep. But at nearly 19m and he’s finally started sleeping through the night and falling asleep independently more often and I so miss watching him drift off to sleep and holding him close 🥺 You’re doing absolutely amazing. This mama business is not for the faint hearted 🫂
I didn't push myself or my baby to rush into sleep training. I did what ever it was that made things easy in every scenario. I didn't actually " sleep train " till a few months ago and my baby will be 2 in March. I fed to on the boob to sleep mostly for the first year. Once she was able to crawl and I felt safe I started co sleeping on a matress on her bedroom floor which I actually LOVED doing. Such a bonding experience. And if she woke up she just hopped on the boob and went back to sleep. That later transitioned to her just needing us to stay in her room till she fell asleep in the crib (started practicing that for nap time before transitioning at night). Now that she can communicate more and understands more she DOES ask me to stay in her room when she goes to sleep and at nap times I'll say ok (cause she's out in like 5-10 mins) but bedtime I say no unless she's hysterical. She will cry but it dies down after a few minutes because she knows it's bed time and this is how it is now lol. Hope this helps😌
Oh at that age, awake but drowsy is not going to work. I did some intense sleep training with my babe and I was not allowed to start that until 4 months of age (pediatrician advice). Before then, I put him down to sleep when he fell asleep in my arms (or on me). Mama, this is so hard, I know. I took sleep training classes and I’m happy to try and share material with you.
Thanks so much!! My maternal health nurse was saying just lightly train her, but then I spoke to the hotline and she said it's good to start now and then told me I should stop rocking her to sleep completely and just have my arms around her in the cot e while she's falling asleep... No rocking to sleep she told me!. I also feel like this is so soon too eliminate that completely but she was telling me if I change back I'll reset the work. It makes me sad and it kinda feels like my superpower that I can rock her to sleep. But this one said basically go cold turkey
@Sarah that’s insane to hear that’s what you’re advised!! In the UK, many health visitors (the equivalent to your maternal health nurse I believe) are retraining in more holistic and baby-first ways rather than the old fashioned beliefs (CIO, not to rock, that babies cry to manipulate, drowsy but awake blah blah). Take what they say with a pinch of salt and ALWAYS do what feels right for you and your baby. You two and the only people who matter in this! 🩷
I think you should consult with a pediatrician. Every baby is different and I think we should always meet our babies where they are developmentally. Sleep training worked for me. I started when my son was around 4-5 months but it took a long time for anything to take. I only did a gentle method and started with “drowsy but awake” and worked my way up to put him down awake. You know your babe the best. Do what you think is right as long as it’s safe and pediatrician is on board.
@Helen I'm intrigued to know what they teach you over in the UK. We had a session on sleep with my new parent group and the only method they discussed was hand settling. So baby down in cot awake but showing tired signs then you just hold their hand, sing, pat etc and pick them up if they get distressed.
@Sarah we’re not really taught anything as mums. Or at least I wasn’t! If we wanted advice they’d give it but other than that nothing but safe sleep.
The drowsy but awake stuff it total rubbish. Be rid of that idea!! Works with some babies and others not. Many children need support to sleep and that’s totally normal and okay - and is definitely not making “bad” habits or a rod for your own back. Swaddling or just wrapping snug in a blanket can help dampen those moro reflexes. She’ll grow out of them soon! I would recommend wearing her. She will fall asleep on her own terms and you can crack on with what you need to do. I didn’t use one as much as I would’ve wanted too because it was SO HOT and I was sweating all the time. I also recommend sorting yourself food and drink whilst she’s awake and playing on a mat so it’s ready for when she’s asleep and you can eat even if you’re nap trapped!! Don’t beat yourself up about drowsy but awake bullshit. It works for very few. As she in more developmentally able to she will take more independent naps (even if you need to soothe her to sleep first)