@Chanie Exactly. That piece of my heart will never come back..
Nah I think I’d always be a foot out the door after that…
No I could never forgive or forget. I know people say things in the heat of the moment but it doesn’t seem like he even feels bad for it. The fact he seems like he already has a plan for his future, I could never personally get over that and would be moving on
It’s like cheating, I don’t see how people can get over that. My fear and paranoia would overtake any kind of love I had and ruined it. I hope you can get through this as it’s never easy when a relationship is ending but to be looking up other woman before yous had even broken up, nahhh that would send me crazyyy
This is the exact situation I'm in..
Well very similar
Thank you everyone who replied. Im happy to see that I'm not 'overreacting' the way he likes to make me feel.
@Chanie exactly. That's what still kinda bothers me
@Skye aw really? How so? If you would like to share of course 😔
It's sad that so many women are in this uncertain feeling
The reality is life will move on we gotta stop letting people think life ends and begins with them… just as much as he can move on you will be able to as well. We gotta stop looking at people as possessions because they aren’t they can leave at any given moment all that’s important at the end of the day is knowing u gave that relationship your best at that moment and set the muthafucka go good riddance I don’t know bout any of yahll but I don’t want nobody around that don’t wanna be sooooo move on over so the man that wants to treat me the way I deserve to be treated can !! More importantly what he’s saying may be true but more over hurtful and that was what was intended he wanted to hurt your feelings
Never forgetting. Some things should never be said.
@Tanelle That's exactly the point, he thinks I wont make it without him. I only need my God. Thats it. He forgets I lived before him too lol
That’s narcissistic behavior to be honest. My ex was that way saying I’d never find anyone to “put up with me” after him. And I’ve been with my current bf for 7yrs tomorrow so let him say those things all he wants. (We have our reasons for not getting married yet but talk about the long future all the time) I’m sorry you’re going through that. It’s hard but know it’s not you it’s definitely him.
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what the hell? i would be broken. who says that shit even in the heat of an argument? this would make me want to leave.
I’d be straight out!
And he is a moron for think he won’t pay child support. He has to or he will go to jail. You will get 20% of his income for the children. What an asshole for saying he can replace you. What kind of pos says that to the mother of his children? You should LEAVE HIM. Flip it and I bet he’ll be crying about it once you show him you are serious. You deserve better
I couldn’t forget that, I don’t even think I’d be able to forgive it tbh