Found a good pillow combo!
I have PGP and it's been quite bad since 18 weeks (I'm now 24). I've now tested four pillow combos in bed to try to make it so my hips aren't agony. And I've finally found a combo that seems to have worked so thought I'd share in case anyone else has bad hip/pelvic pain.
So I'm using a wedge pillow called the baby bub maternity pillow under my bump and to stop me rolling on my back. I've had that for weeks and it's been great.
Where I've struggled is support between my knees and feet. None of the pillows I've tried are either wide enough, firm enough or they sag so quickly they become redundant. Also some are SO heavy it's made rolling over in bed even more difficult.
I saw the bbhugme pillow right at the start and was like, no way I'm spending that. But I ended up spending that amount testing like four other rubbish ones. My pelvic pain was so bad I thought, right I'm gonna give it a go. I got one that is stone coloured from John lewis so it was around £30 cheaper than the others (on offer). And it has been such a game changer. It's super light but super firm, and it keeps an even gap between my hips, knees and feet all the way down.
Ever since I switched to it my hip pain has almost gone at night and has definitely reduced during the day.
Honestly I'm annoyed I wasted so much time and money testing out loads of cheaper alternatives.
Obviously what works for me won't work for everyone. But just wanted to share in case anyone is stuck for what might help them!
Is it still working now you’re 28 weeks? I have one but can’t seem to get rid of the hip pain in bed regardless