Ive always taken him toilet with me and so has his dad, weve now got a reward chart which seems to be working but he hasnt got to the point where he gets a like a reward yet cos when he sits on the toilet and potty he isnt always weeing. He only seems to be holding it at home too not in nursery. So weve gone back to kind of like saying 'toilet time' instead of asking him if needs it cos i found he always said no, just not sure whats changed maybe it is a regression not sure
If it’s a regression then it will probably just take a few weeks for him to get back to normal. Seems like you’re doing all the right things and encouraging him. My daughter doesn’t do a wee every time she’s on the potty and often says the feeling has gone or she’s not ready yet. Kids go from weeing whenever to having to control their bladder and get used to holding it until they’re at a toilet. Do you think he’s just getting used to that?
Im not sure cos even when i take him toilet when hes doing his little wee dance hes telling me no im fine and even when i put him on toilet or potty he continues saying im fine no, and then has an accident next to the toilet. Its not all the time but i do feel like weve taken a little step back
My daughter didn’t go through an anxious stage but we did have a regression for a few weeks where she’d be too excited playing that she would wee herself instead of getting up. We went back to using a sticker chart and had a bag of treats which she could pick something out of every 5 stickers. They were little things like new crayons or a notebook. We also went back to making her sit on the potty regularly rather than waiting for her to tell us. I would take her to the toilet with me so she could see me use it and we found that she preferred sitting on the big toilet to her potty because of that. I think normalising it as much as possible helps