@Josephine Thank you. I really hope so. I've been so positive about it so far I feel like I've just panicked a bit with them extending it twice now. My partner did make a good point which has me thinking, my normal cycle is super regular and I usually would ovulate around day 15-16. Maybe my stimulated cycle just wants to match when they'd usually be ready? 😅
@Chelsea maybe! Everyone’s body reacts differently to the drugs as well, and in my experience there’s no real way of knowing how you’re gonna respond, especially if this is your first cycle! Xx
You are not alone on this, my husband does not get it either. But trust the process. A friend always says that this is a long race. It will take it's time. Maybe you don't succeed on the first attempt, but it will happen.
It’s so deflating when you go for a scan hoping for a specific outcome and come away feeling disappointed. A lot can change in a short space of time though so fingers crossed next time they check you you’re good to go!! Sounds like you’ve got lots of follicles which is great 🩷🩷🩷