@Alyson ok. Care com... I might try it. Have you heard good things about this
@Raven definitely check into it, build a rapport with one of them and you can have an emergency back up! Or even a, “I want to go food shopping by myself and breathe for a minute” back up. Good luck!!
Ps I’ll never forget when I was working and my now ex husband was working. My daughter vomited in day care, my ex fil went to pick her up and brought her to my job because ex husband’s job was always “more important” even though it was the same exact line of work. She sat in my office for hours so sick. It broke my heart. I was the only manager on duty so I called my manager and she said “I’m off today I’m not coming in.” I called my district manager and said if you’re not here within a half hour I’m locking the store and leaving. I understand it’s not the employers fault, but compassion goes a long way! I know exactly how you’re feeling. 🩷
@Alyson that's terrible. Before I had a child. I was always the co worker whom you can call if you need your shift filled. And I still can be if it's during my availability hours. Now a days every one doesn't want to look out. And they don't want to cover others- but when they need time off.... SMH
Maybe use care dot com and try to find a back up babysitter