Is the first feed still recommended to be breast fed due to colostrum or is this outdated now if you plan on bottle feeding?

I’m having a planned cesarean and don’t plan on breast feeding but my mum is adamant baby needs first milk for colostrum? I’ve heard c section mums may not get milk in straight away and also pain meds can interfere? Will my baby miss out dramatically if they don’t get the colostrum from first breast milk? Any advice on this please?
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I never breast fed or gave my lo colostrum, they do recommend it as its got loads of nutrients and antibodies and stuff, but no ones going to force you and you don’t have to it you don’t want to. You can express colostrum and give it to baby via bottle if you wanted them to get the colostrum still. But either way dont let anyone make you feel pressured to do things anyway other than what you are comfortable with.

I had a planned section, they did ask whether I planned to breastfeed or formula feed before the procedure and they asked for consent before placing him on my breast afterwards, he fed fine initially, I’d already been expressing colostrum before the birth, so that might’ve helped, but after a few hours I struggled to produce much and had to combi feed for a week. But yeah, I don’t know what part of the world you’re in but in UK they ask for your preference beforehand.

You can express colostrum in the last few weeks of pregnancy and keep it in the freezer to give to the baby. You could even express on the morning of your c section and take it in a cool bag with ice packs x

Having a c-section in itself will not affect your milk/colostrum production. It’s triggered by the removal of the placenta which happens regardless of how you give birth.

If you don't want to you don't have to. You can if you want harvest before hand and give in a syringe or bottle. But if you don't give them any that's fine too. It's all about personal preference

It's an optional thing honestly. I breastfed my first after having him by scheduled c section, he wouldn't latch at first so I pumped and syringe fed at first and my milk came straight in, no colostrum. So I'm honestly not even going to bother this time. I'm having twins and had D-MER with my last so I'm not breastfeeding this time.

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