Formula night feed question….

Ladies, if baby wakes up crying for a feed at night, do you change his diaper and take him with you downstairs to make formula OR you change his diaper, leave him upstairs and go quickly make the formula and come back?
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Our prep machine is upstairs with us. X

I would change his nappy first then feed him. Me and my partner do it between us so he gets the milk I change the nappy. Then either I will feed my little one or he will. If I am on my own I would probably just take him with me then go back up. X

I used to take all the stuff I needed to make a bottle upstairs with me, so I used to change nappy first and then feed as he’d usually fall asleep on the bottle

I take all the stuff I need to bed with me x

When my daughter was small enough to feed in the night, I’d pick her up and take her downstairs, and do the change/make bottle/feed etc all downstairs, so I could watch tv until she fell asleep again, then I’d bring her back upstairs to her next to me and I’d go back to bed. That way it didn’t disturb my husband’s sleep too much (or mine when he did it).

When our LG was still waking overnight, we'd take her downstairs with us, then go up change her nappy and feed her if she woke sooner than we thought (so she wouldn't wake the other parent) or we'd set an alarm for 5 mins before, go down and make the bottle, then take the bottle up, get her as she cried then change her nappy before feeding.

We have everything we need in the nursery including a kettle, the formula, nuby rapid cool etc so we don’t have to leave baby to make the bottle :)

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