Tip toe walking
My little one has been tip toe walking for a while now. Initially he would do it for a few seconds then switch to heels down. However lately I’ve noticed he is tip toeing a lot more and trying to cover longer distances on his tip toes. I asked the nursery if they’ve observed this too and they said yes however as he isn’t 2 yet, they are not concerned. I just wanted some advice, I am worried about the impact on his physical health so will tend to pick him up if I notice him doing it. He doesn’t yet understand when I encourage him to put his heels on the ground. Do you think by picking him up I am limiting his opportunity to explore with the walking and I should be allowing him? I just worry about his muscles etc and whether this can cause him any pain.
My son does this too. By all accounts this is normal. They are just exploring. Based on their age and heel walking being the predominant I wouldn’t worry! Just keep an eye and maybe chat to your health visitor about it? That’s what I’m going to do after he turns 2 when we are due another catch up x