So if I have this right the middle line would be the 50th percentile… meaning 50% of babies are heavie/longer (whichever it’s measuring) and 50% are smaller, kind of ‘average’ I guess if there is such a thing. Then the lines either side next to the middle woudd be 90th and 10th maybe? I’m no expert though as it’s also my first baby! I wouldn’t get too hung up on it though as it’s all kind of hypothetical at this stage!
So if you gave birth at 40 weeks having stayed on the 90th percentile you measured on as of just shy of 33 weeks, baby would be around 4.2kg. However this chart really isn’t always accurate, just useful to see if there’s any centile changes which might need a growth scan I guess.
I think centile is only used when they do a scan x
Take it with a pinch of salt unless they’re offering you growth scans to check it 🥰 my bump was off the scale on fundal score from day 1 and my baby was born at 39 weeks at 7lb 15oz !
Each line just represents a trend that baby should follow. Its estimated weight and fundal height plotted onto a graph so that the trend can be measured. It can also estimate what baby might weigh when they’re born. Xxxx