Breastfeeding info

I have a c section booked for Saturday and I was just wondering if anyone has any useful websites/info/tips for breastfeeding? I feel like I have no idea what to do or how much to feed LO or how long it will take for my milk to come in etc. I have tried colostrum collecting, I get 0.1ml at a time (30 mins to an hour of trying) and I find it so tedious and makes me feel faint so I am unsure if I want to continue collecting prior to baby arriving. My ideal plan would be to BF and pump so my partner can also feed baby. I am actually swaying more towards pumping only but I will see how I feel when baby is here. I’m very overwhelmed with it all! First time mum, UK based. Thanks for any tips in advance x
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Not sure if it’s only for US but Baby academy is a great resource for free classes. They have a breastfeeding course. I also took one from milkology I never collected colostrum prior to delivery. I did collect some in hospital. Never used it. My personal opinion is it’s easier to nurse instead of pumping. Everytime you pump there are pump and bottle parts that you have to clean and sterilize. Even if partner feeds baby you still have to wake up to pump so you don’t get a clogged duct and keep your supply up. Def worth talking to a lactation consultant after baby comes and trying different things to see what works best for you. first few weeks is most important to feed on demand so your body can determine how much milk it needs to produce.

I'll be honest, it is very overwhelming (especially the first time), but it is also very worth it. I was told both times it wasn't worth it to collect before the baby comes. And that it often causes stress to new mom's I primarily breastfeed until I go back to work, then pump at work and that helps regulate supply. Your lactation consultant is going to be your best friend, use them, tell them what you're struggling with, and they will help you (literally grab your nipple and show you how to express or latch). The downsides to pumping only is it might be hard to create and regulate your supply. Also if you never breastfeed you won't get the feedback from baby's saliva telling your body what baby needs (i know people who primarily pump and either BF occasionally or put baby's mouth to their breast to get that feedback). Good luck.

Just my little opinion, take what you like from it but I never collected colostrum prior to my c section and it was fine. The midwives actually taught me how to do it at the hospital and it was great. I exclusively pumped straight away as she was early and couldn’t latch properly and once she could latch, I carried on pumping as I thought it would be easier - oh my god.. it is not easier. I wish I had breastfed. My milk supply drops so much if I even miss a pump session. I can’t even pump enough for her to feed anymore because it has changed so much. When they’re breastfed, your body learns exactly how much they’re drinking and adjusts itself to cater to your baby, baby saliva also helps keep your milk supply up, which is all things I didn’t know before I decided to keep pumping. It’s at a point now where I can’t try breastfeed because she has built a preference to bottles, my milk supply is low and I wouldn’t even know how to transition anyways.

Also, if you choose to pump, you’ll have to do it every 3 hours anyway so at night i found it quite draining as you have to feed baby, burp and then settle them and out them back down and then pump for however long. Of course pumping works so well for some people and I’m not trying to be negative at all, just sharing my experience!

Thank you all for your comments! I am going to give it a go when baby arrives and hopefully pick it up as I go x

Le leche website is great with advice. There's also an nhs and NCT free breastfeeding helpline which you could call now for advice.

I’m now 7 months ebf so maybe I can help 100% honest! I felt really pressured to collect slot of colostrum as I had gestational diabetes and was told it can be great if baby is born with low sugar levels, never used it! Never even have now At 2 weeks pp a family member also turned of my deep freezer and it all defrosted so I couldn’t use it anyway! So don’t stress just collect whatever you can and take it all with you to the hospital, I took it in a cooler bag and ice blocks as it’s so small and thin it can defrost fast, it took me 2 weeks of trying to get any amount of colostrum it takes time! Don’t stress being relaxed and comfortable can help Honestly I had no idea too, I never knew anyone who breastfed or what to expect I just went into it blind, it is painful to start; get lots of nipple cream lanoish is great Babies feed constantly in the first few weeks and my daughter woke hourly, she also had reflux and I didn’t have my partner in the uk to help support me and stay awak

So it was hard Asf, but I’m glad I persevered to now at 7 months it’s very convenient easy and 100% easier than bottles for me I don’t pump but a lot of people say it’s a lot of work, the washing the parts getting enough milk etc, but some people love it I can’t speak on it as I don’t know! My daughter also had a tongue tie which when snipped the pain when feeding did her better, There’s breastfeeding hotlines and near my breastfeeding sessions at birth centres that were so so so helpful, even my health visitor helped me check my latch etc It’s definitely not easy and it is exhausting but I’m so so so glad I didn’t stop when I wanted to 100 times! I know I feel like I’ve said 100 bad things every one is different but honestly it’s great to be able to do if you can but if you can’t don’t stress yourself as well fed is best and don’t put so much pressure on yourself

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