This is my second so I know I won’t “snap back” so I’m just taking my time and loving who I am now. I’m not too far from where I started but I’m not in a rush especially at 3 months. I usually don’t get worried til about 9 months
@Katherine EXSACTLY! I’m adjusting still to this little bestie I made and their horrid non existent sleep schedule. Plus- honestly I like that I got booty now 😂
I’m on my second, not due until march. You sound very similar to my size when I got pregnant with my first and I went up to 195lbs as well! I didn’t start working out until I was 3 months PP with my daughter. It stressed me out so much when people would constantly talk about my weight gain. I started working out and ended up losing it (got back down to 122lb) but it was so frustrating to hear all the comments. When I started losing weight people started saying I was dropping too quickly and I was doing too much. I feel like you can just never please people. Now I’m gaining like crazy again and this time I don’t care half as much. I will figure it out. Why does everyone care so much about everyone else’s body?!
@Rebecca but girl.. why are you worried at all?! rock that body! You did 2 AMAZING things with it!
@Tara that’s what I’m saying! Why do people have opinions on mom’s bodies?! And why do we have to ‘snap back’ - I honestly don’t want to be “skinny” again. Plus I’m still pumping and starving all the time so diet is down the toilet. I don’t care that much. Our bodies have been through HELL- I think if we chose to lose it..good on us. If not, people need to shut up. 😒
@Sydney aww thank you. I’m mainly worried because my last baby gave me blood pressure issues so I feel losing some the weight might help that but my husband loves the weight I gained
@Sydney I totally agree with you. I ended up EBF my daughter and if I didn’t consume enough calories I wouldn’t produce enough milk. It took months to balance all of that out. People don’t understand all that. It’s not like you have all the free time in the world as a new mother. You have to really schedule workout sessions and there’s a lot more to it than people think. Screw em, do what works best for you!
You should just tell them you can both lose the baby weight together. Implying that they have baby weight even if they are menopausal or a man. 😏
Also say that even if they're skinny. Be toxic back☺️
@Kirsten my monster ..oops I mean mother in law made the comment when I was 9 Days PP… and I almost went there. She’s very middle heavy and I just looked at her crazy. 😂 I think petty is the way to go always.
Shut her down!!! Bullies just keep on bullying until someone stands up to them and makes them second guess themselves
I’m 4 weeks PP, and am hating my mum bod, and mentioned to my Dad that I was looking forwards to getting my body back. “When you going to do that then?” “When I have time” “That’s the kind of thing you need to make time for” WTF!?! Oh I’ll just start ignoring the crying baby shall I !?
@Emma see… that’s what I mean. 4 weeks though. Girl you’re still healing. Don’t even think about trying to get your body back quite yet! ❤️just try to survive the 4th trimester 😩
Totally there with you. Similar weight gain and that's where I'm sitting. I was getting g antsy to start dieting and exercising. Then I'm like...I JUST started getting 5 hours of sleep at night and I want to do WHAT with the minimal energy I've got? 🙃