Poorly baby an calpol

I try to give my little one calpol but he will not take it he makes himself sick an everything he wint keep it dien or even have it in his mouth he spits it at me he's 15 months any advice I give it with water ina. Teet in sippy cup in yogurt an on a spoon just with his food that' was a Terrible idea 💡 mamma needs help
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I sometimes have the syringe in one hand and his dummy in the other I’ll put abit of that calpol in with the syringe then his dummy straight in to suckle then take it out and more calpol x

Or make it a game you pretend to have some and pretend it’s tasty and then he might want it coz you’re “having it” x

I've been doing this dummy trick with antibiotics as had same issue he wouldn't take it. Some still ended up over me/him/the floor but he has most of it. Calpol I managed to get in him by mixing it in purple Ella's kitchen fruit pouch 🙈

My friends little boy was the same and she tried a different flavour and that worked you could maybe try and do that x

We put it in his milk since he was 3 months old. He will take it out the syringe sometimes but it's just easier to mix with milk and less messy

Put it in milk or food depending how old he is

My son has never liked Calpol or medicines of any kind and will not have them. I've tried and tried and it got to the point where he would sick it back up. He's almost 3 now and still the same. We have to put his medicines in his food or drinks. We were also prescribed suppositories for him in the end as he's ended up in a&e 3 times now because when he was bad, he would go off food and drink completely so we couldn't get any Calpol down him so that's when they finally prescribed them. But he kicks off massively now when we try to use them. Never known a kid like it. I loved Calpol! 😂

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