I totally get this! I was feeling the same way and I started to get involved with mom groups. Looked for music classes, little gym, etc. We also just went to the library to get out of the house. They also do story times, etc (free instead of having to pay for a class). I’m currently working part time, from home and we have a nanny that comes to our house. It all sounds ideal but I have to say even working super part time it feels hard to do both. I feel like it’d be easier to not work atm. Basically, I think whatever situation you do, there will be something we don’t like lol
Im fulltime mum now. And I know how you feel as a fulltime mum . We just moved here in canada and everything is new to me. No friends or family near us. It's winter now so me and bub can only visit the ripley aquarium once a week and go to early on 3 times a week. I just missed Australia,working there have friends to go out with...etc. I want to work but my husband said it's not worth it if my salary will only goes to childcare. I still have to wait more 3.5yrs more before my bub can go to school
Feel this 100%. I struggle with my mental health. I have BPD and Major Depression. I’m a stay at home Mom as well and I get so depressed. Plus, it doesn’t help that I also have no friends. So I’m literally stuck here all day just with my toddler. Can’t go anywhere. Don’t have enough money to go enjoy things. It sucks so bad. I’m so lonely.
I felt like this, I ended up getting a serving job after he was home to get some me time. It was isolating and made me stir crazy to be at home
Ever since they terminated me from work since November 9 I am home with twin boys I am always by myself my older son at school my fiance at work 5 days
100% I sometimes wish I could switch things up as I have ADHD and routine is really hard for me, but I know deep down I can’t for LOs sake. It’s so hard as me and my other half agreed I would stay home till she started school but some days it’s so damn hard.