Milk supply disappeared. Help!

We've been exclusively BFing up to now, LO has always hated a bottle and has CMPA and needs formulas which she also seems to hate so haven't pushed it as we've been managing. In the last week my supply has just nosedived. I keep reading to trust the process and that supplies do change as time passes but I know my body and LO and this doesn't feel right. She is clearly hungry. I am trying to pump between trying to feed her to increase demand and eating and drinking well but don't know what else to do. Has anyone else experienced a sudden change in milk supply at this stage and what have you done to help? Has it come back? Help!!
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This happened to me after my boy was ill as he was hardly drinking..i set a timer for 90.minutes (during day) and offered him boob everytime, back to normal in 2 days x

@Kerry thank you that's reassuring. It's been 3-4 days now but we will persevere and try to increase feeding windows! X

Oh another thought. Midwife told me to pump immediately after feeding rather than an hour or so make sure you are fully empty x

It might be that your period is coming back? With my first my supply would always drop 1-2 days before the period, it was unnerving. Apparently taking magnesium and calcium supplements from halfway your cycle helps. Also lots of skin to skin contact, cuddles, watching videos of your baby, or babies feeding... Anything to get that oxytocin flowing x

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