Sore boobs were always my telltale, I never never never have sore boobs with a period! I hope this is the case for you too! Personally I would try and hold off till your period is due just to save the disappointment of a negative when it may just be that you’re too early! Fingers crossed 🤞🏽 xx
@Tee thank you! I never have had sore boobs with my period ever so that’s mostly the one that’s been making me wonder! I’m gonna be trying my best to wait until Friday!😂
If you are gonna test make sure it’s a pink dye as you’re more likely to see a true faint line! Also I’d avoid the digitals till you either get a faint line or have missed the period as they’re not as sensitive. I hate the waiting so I’m feeling for you!😂x
And for the spotting, my period is usually super heavy from day one until my last day with violent cramps but with the spotting it’s hasn’t been a ton and I’ve just had random little like heavy feeling cramps