Hair loss please help! :(
Girls seriously I am so worried… my hair has always been really healthy and thick and grew really fast always got complements on it. All of a sudden after having my first baby my hair is falling out in clumps like a sick person. I know that you experience hair loss after a baby but I really did not expect it on this scale is it normal? Like literal clumps coming out in my hands , I can physically see bald patches around my hair line. I keep finding my hair all over the house like literally everywhere. When I wash my hair it’s clogging the drain and when I brush my hair the hair brush is full of hair and I can literally see it all over the floor. Today was the first time my mum mentioned it to me that she was can see the bald patches at the frount of my head and my husband said it to me the other day. Has anyone experienced this ? I’m thinking of going to the gp but will they do anything to help or just advise vitamins?
They won’t do anything until the first year unfortunately. Mine came out in clumps too around 3.5-5m you’ll see the most hair loss. Don’t stop your prenatal and make sure you’re getting enough folate in your diet and vitamin D. Hang in there