6 mo is def good to introduce easy foods. My son’s first fav was chopped up avocado.
https://www.tiktok.com/@moonandrue?_t=ZG-8tFzgjbVBc8&_r=1 Didn't knock if you have tik tok, but found her recipes helpful, especially since she's categorised them by age
@Nicoleta thank you. Ill check her out!
@Ana im doing long strips, she doesn’t have the coordination for finger foods yet, just hand held
@Sarah do you mash it? Or cut in slices? Or cubes?
@Daly I would score half an avocado in tiny squares
@Daly Weaning the BLW way on FB is good for how to safely prepare foods and for ideas x
Sounds like she’s ready for finger food. If you still give her milk I say mix the puree in with it in the bottle. That’s how I give my baby purées. Puréed food is basically a smoothie.
Try the finger food. My baby hated purees so we just did food in slices ot whole chunks from the get go x
Try finger foods, my little girl was the same, she didn’t enjoy the purees but enjoyed being food to her mouth with finger foods