I know at first it may seem like you aren't pumping enough but keep in mind, stress; the number of times you pump a day; what time you pump in a day; if you are about to or on your period are all reasons for decrease. Usually if I'm about to get my period my supply goes down drastically and I just pump more in a day to make sure she has enough that day. Drink lots of water! Eat oatmeal, I don't really use milk production foods but they may work for you!
@Courtney Thank you so much for all your advice!! I will definitely let you know if I have questions!
Hey! So I've been exclusively pumping since baby was born and she will be 8 months in a week! Usually my body will produce what she needs but everyone is different! So I would say to start and to get your supply where it needs to be you should generally pump every 2-3 hours 5-7 times a day until you get your supply where you want it. I also strongly recommend not using any cheap pumps, if you can get a hospital grade pump like spectra so you can be sure you are completely emptied at the end of each session. After a while your body will know how much your baby needs per day! I do know what's baby starts eating solids that oz number per day will decrease so that is very helpful! It's a journey to say the least but if you keep at it you will see results! Let me know if you have any questions about my comment! Good luck!! You got this !!