I am beyond pissed off, I feel like I could cry..

My lg has suffered with constipation on and off since December, she was prescribed laxatives but hasn’t been helping this current episode. We went to see the GP today and I am so upset with how she spoke to us. She was ‘nice’ but what she said and how she said it completely blindsided me and now I’m so angry and upset. We were there about her constipation yet the conversation immediately turned to my daughters weight and within 5 minutes of being in the room she came out with sentences like “You are over feeding her” “She’s very big” “You don’t want a fat baby” “She should only be having 3 bottles a day at her age and have 3 meals a day” She said the formula is constipating her and we just need to fully wean her and drop her milk. She asked how much she weighed and whipped her centile chart out and said “Yes so she’s 95th centile so she is overweight” “You need to contact your HV team and do a complete overhaul of her feeding” I am honestly so shocked and offended by what she said. I felt like so much of what she said was misinformed and rude and completely unprofessional coming from a GP. I know she’s my baby so I’m going to be sensitive but wow I feel like I could cry.
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That sounds really unprofessional and incorrect I'd be making a complaint. Babies need milk until at least 1 and that's what the percentiles are for 95% is the higher end of the average range but it's still a range and like adults babies naturally come in all shapes and sizes. I'm sure you are already but upping the amount of water I give my boy between meals as well as at means had really helped with his constipation

@Flo that is also the impression I have been under is that they still need milk under 1 and we are just working towards fully weaning running up to that. I’ve been under the impression that all babies do this at different paces and not to drop her milk and that she will drop the milk when she’s ready.. Obviously it just makes me feel like I’m doing wrong by my baby in so many ways. Yeah I’m having trouble getting water into her at the moment, she’s refusing it a lot 😩 (GP it’s probably because she’s too full of milk)

It does sound totally rude. I would either speak to GP reception and request a Dr appointment with a different GP or go to the HV explain your emotions and why you saw the GP and what they said and see how they can help you going forward. My little girl is breastfed so not sure how the bottles work but going off the go's logic I'd be over feeding my little girl too. We do 3 meals a day and 4 feeds a day plus night feeds (between 2-7 depending on the night). I'd definitely be raging though. Tbh it's made me want to cry for you

Wat a cow, ur doing nothing wrong, by the sounds of it ur baby is happy and healthy. With constipation have u tried giving ur little one prunes or abit of pure orange juice they both helped my little boy!

My husband just asked me why I look so angry 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ honestly how can someone be so rude

I'm sorry about how you were spoken to. How unprofessional! Does your baby like prunes or pears or any pureed fruit? You could put a little bit in her water and mix it together. It may encourage her to drink more? Also, I've found that having more fibre helps. My little girl goes regularly after having weetabix and a banana. If your baby girl will eat them?

Wow that’s gross I would have been so upset if somebody said those kind of things about my son, especially a GP who you would hope would have correct information and act professionally. I appreciate this is something you might have already tried but when our son has had problems with constipation before we’ve used readymade formula for some of his feeds and that seems to get things moving x

I just think I'd prefer her honesty than a professional saying everything is fine. My baby was on the 91st centile, she told us to drop her milk, she said it in a very diplomatic way though so not to offend! Luckily at the baby stage being overweight isn't as bad as a teenager being overweight. If she is 95th centile then that is the top end of the scale, like my baby!! but as your little one grows it may level out so don't take it to heart. I'm sure she meant well but maybe didn't come across that way. Us mums are super protective of our babies, and rightly so! Just take some positive from the criticism as hard as it may be, it's for the best 💗 (Chubby babies are the cutest babies!!!)

Thanks guys 🫶🏼 We are giving prunes almost everyday 🙈 also tried pears and peaches but we haven’t tried orange juice actually! @Ruby Is there a certain type / how much we give? Ahh I hadn’t thought of adding to the water @Lucy I will give that a go ☺️ she is obsessed with porridge and has it every morning also loves bananas! (GP did mention to me though bananas are constipating apparently) @Deborah Oh I have heard this about ready made formula but had forgotten! Thank you 🙏 X

I literally just fed the prunes on a spoon, and gave OJ in his straw cup x anything that she’ll take xx

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