Negative blood group

Hi! I always thought I was O positive blood type but turns out I’m A negative. The midwife said this can cause issues if the baby’s blood group is positive. Has anyone experienced this or have any advice?
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Yes I had this with my first. I had an Anti-D injection after birth. I am O negative. Pregnant again and my midwife said the same thing to me x

Yeah I’m AB negative so had the anti d jab at 28 weeks as a precaution and then had to have again just after my daughter was born as she was tested and turned out to be positive. I was also told if I had any significant bleeds during pregnancy I’d have to have it at that time too but never needed it.

I had it in my first pregnancy and will be having the blood test at 16weeks to check babies blood type and have the anti D if needed. I am RH Neg, my daughter isn’t so I needed the anti D in my first pregnancy All was okay, it just becomes a risk if there’s any significant bleeding or chances that the bloods cross paths I believe x

When can they test the baby to see their blood type? I have to go in for another blood test on the 29th but I’ll only be almost 11 weeks then.

I have just found out I’m negative too. It’s mostly common to affect a second pregnancy as your body would have produced antibodies against a positive blood group so the injection at 28 weeks is given and then when they’re born. Apparently there is a new test they can do at 16 week midwife appt to check baby’s blood group but I think it’s very new technology. I have my appt in a few weeks so can update then if they do that now. They will also do regular blood draws to check for any antibodies you’re producing but it’s not comment until later in pregnancy hence why injection is later into it. I had all sorts of questions and did a lot of research haha. Xx

I’m B- na my girl is +. they can take a blood sample around 12-16 weeks and see if baby has the same blood type as you. If they have a - blood group it’s good if baby has a + blood type they’ll give you anti-d injections, The body sees the + blood groups as an intruder and try’s to get rid of them so it’s less risk if it’s first baby but any baby following can be discarded by the body as it feels like it’s bad. That’s where the anti-d injection comes into play and keeps the body at bay so it doesn’t think these +blood cells are attacking you. If baby is + and you have a bleed you’ll get an injection anytime your blood could mix just to stop the chance of the body making any antibodies against them .

@Jenna they said to em yesturday at the 16 week mark they can test

@Katie this is good to know, rhann you! Yeah be good to know what happens at 16 weeks. I thought I was O+ 😂

@Poppie will it impact me if I have another baby or does the injection stop that being a problem again?

@Jenna the injection stops it becoming any issue. I’m currently 12 weeks with baby 2 and so far no issues, had bloods done today to check to see if baby is - like me or + like dad 😅

@Poppie if the baby is positive in the second pregnancy do you just do the same and have the injections and it’s fine?

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