
What time are you putting your 7 month old to bed?
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my baby is 7 months next week and his bedtime is at 8pm..found that it works best for us and our routine x

7 months next week and we’ve just had to push it back an hour to 9pm as she was having false starts..sleeping for 40 mins and waking up for an hour

Between 7 and 7:30 but that's only to fit with our 3 year olds routine x

Also to add she doesn’t get up until 9am, if she got up earlier she would have an earlier bed time


7-7:45 depending on the last nap

Anywhere between 7-8 but depends on how he napped during the day

Between 7-8pm

Normally 7/7.30, same as my 3 year old too.

Between 7:30 8:30, will sleep through till 7/8

He’s gone to bed at 7:30 since 5 months and he’s now’s 8.5 months. He’s starting the childminders in just under 2 weeks and I’m going to bring it forward to 7 then x

Usually after I put my other 3, so it's between 8 to 8.30 🙂

Sometime between 7 and 8 depending how much she's napped x

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