Hey hey! Also not technically married but have been together going on six years and life as if we are married! I’m here is you ever wanna chat or vent !
Married and worked with my older kids and sahm with my little kids. Wow! SAHMs work so hard! At my corporate job I got lunch breaks and everyone says thank you when you complete a task... Not the same for sahm
She’s definitely jealous and a bit bitter it seems. Don’t Allow others negativity to bring you down. Being a sahm is hard work and most real men appreciate the sacrifice. And Some people don’t understand a different dynamic than their own. I totally feel you on this. I’m going to be going back to work almost 8 years of being home. My youngest starts prek this year, It’s so exciting and like you said bittersweet for sure! Good luck to you out there! ☺️ also being able to stay home with your babies while they are babies is the greatest gift my husband gave me. Some can’t or don’t, but for me it was a gift! lol
We’re not technically married but have been together and engaged for 7 years. Feel free to message me!