If she's pushing it all out and not taking anything in her mouth she may not be ready. The tongue thrust reflex should be mostly gone. 6 months is only a guideline - some babies are ready before, some a little after. Maybe take a few days break and then try again. You can offer expressed breast milk in a cup with the meal, either with a spout or something like a Munchkin 360. She may start to associate food with satiety. Make sure to feed her when she's kind of hungry, not after she just ate, but not so starving that she's screaming for food. You kind of have to find a balance there but try for a time when she's alert and aware and hungry, but not over hungry or overtired. Don't expect immediate results - weaning is a marathon, not a sprint! Just be patient and give it time. Not all 6 month old babies take to food immediately.
Totally normal and she’s getting more than you think. Gagging is normal. If she carries on pushing it out then you can ring the health visitor just to check. Also fine to try again in a few days, she’s still young. It is stressful at first but honestly, it won’t be long before she eats the same as you. Mine was eating the same as me by 12 months or so. Solid Starts is a helpful app.
It's totally normal, my little guy didn't start eating for a couple months. He very obviously did not want food so we just gave it time. Whenever he would be interested in something on my platei would share with him and eased him into it. Feel free to message me if you're getting overwhelmed!
Make soup with everything and make it purée…they like it
Hi I started out with stuff like mushed up veggies and mashed potatoes. He's had steak & mashed potatoes and Mac n cheese, rice bake, and toast and baby pancakes and brown sugar and cinnamon rolls, he really enjoys green beans and mashed potatoes.
Hi! My baby is also 6 months. This also happened to me, I did fruits to see if that helped and it has. Now I give her veggies and she’s a little more interested. Still gags and doesn’t fully eat yet, but its a slow progress. Do you let her experiment with the food? My baby barely lets me spoon feed her