Most babies still need 1-3 feeds at this age. It’s uncommon for babies to sleep through the night without waking at this age. My first slept through the night for the first time just after her 1st birthday.
Thank you! I hear of so many babies around the same age “sleeping thru” and not waking for feeds, so I thought I was doing something wrong. He’s on formula so one would think he would be fuller yet all babies are different I guess
My 2yo didn’t sleep through till she was 19 months old! My biggest piece of advice is to try not to worry about making them sleep through, they will do it when they are ready, all of these tips and things you can buy a lot of the time don’t work! It’s all dependent on the baby and some babies just don’t sleep through!
It’s a tough time this age for babies and their sleep, we’ve been blessed with a good sleeper, but she still had a nightmare 4 month regression waking every 2 hours when she was previously sleeping 10 hours! I went by the general rule that if they resettle quite quickly then it’s just a natural waking… 5 weeks later and she’s just started sleeping 10 hours again, but like I say I think we’re lucky, we don’t do anything specific, just follow her lead
Sleep regression or just normal baby behaviour! Some are sleepers, some aren’t, my boy has never slept through but I’m hoping once he’s on to solids/mush it might keep him fuller for longer than breast milk. Anecdotally, formula seems to keep babies sleeping longer but I don’t think it works for everyone