The thing I didn't realize is that babies cry, whine, and make noises in their sleep! If you give them a few minutes before intervening, they may just settle back down without even waking up 😊
Im a postpartum doula and a mom myself, and I don't agree with cry it out or extinction "methods". Cry it out doesn't teach any babe or child of any age to "self soothe", in fact it actually teaches them to disassociate that no one is coming to help them. We put so much pressure on babes and tiny humans when we as adults still need a hug, to cry, to be comforted, to sleep next to our person. It's basic human nature, human instinct. Another key piece to factor in is that depending on how old your babe is, sleepless nights will be due to growth spurts (physical and/or mental) and/or teething. My best piece of advice is to remember this won't last forever, yes easier said than done. But in the grand scheme of things, this really is just a moment in time that won't last forever. Now, I understand the needing sleep piece too, how can we navigate that? How can we find balance in that? What does bedtime rhythms look like? What's the room environment like (hot, cold, etc)? It's all very dynamic
@Kailee this!! Especially if babe is under a year just tend to their needs. Build that trust. My babies are almost 2 and I still won't let them cry it out
If it's just some whining and babbling I wait, if it turns into a full blown cry I'll go in, if they stop and go back to bed in a couple minutes or less I stay laying down 😅 I started doing this when they were around a year old and I'd jump up and by the time I got to their room they were back asleep I was like okay I gotta give them a second to settle, but if it's ever an actual cry I still go in and they're almost 2 🫶🏻