If they’ve been feeling your belly and they have said head down, it’s unlikely they’ll scan you. You can always mention it though x
Hello! 100% they should be able to refer you for a scan. My midwife has never been able to successfully decipher the position of my baby. She couldn’t tell my baby was breech from feeling my stomach x
@Josephine did you get a scan to check?? i’m not sure if i should just pay for another private scan to be certain i’m 36 weeks on sunday so i feel im scared could end up emergency section or something
I’m having to have 3 weekly growth scans and baby has been head down the last 2 but everytime I’m convinced she’s moved because I feel her kicks really low too around my belly button, they’ve said it’s likely her hands that I’m feeling rather than her feet!🤣 also, when we had our 4D scan, her hands and her feet were in her face, she was kind of folded in half! If you’re worried though I would definitely ask x
They’ll refer you for a presentation scan if midwife thinks baby might be x
My baby is definitely head down and engaged but my kicks are all low down and deep in my sides (nearer to hips) due to the way he’s curled around so it could be something like that 😊
I doubt they’d send you for a scan just on this alone but it doesn’t hurt to ask. Usually they can tell where babies head is from feeling your tummy. My babies been head down for a while now and I still feel movement all around. Although I can tell myself where her legs are because I can physically see them and feel them 🤣
@Alice this is the same for me! Had scans and baby head down but still feel lots of kicks very low
I think it’s just where the baby is sitting lower in general the kicks feel lower too My baby has been head down since 32 weeks and I still get most movement around my belly button and just under my ribs, I think some babies just stay curled up rather than stretch out. My midwife has been able to feel him every time, we did end up having a late scan that we booked as it was on offer last week which confirmed he was head down, so if it makes you feel better then absolutely book one!
Babies also move their arms too so you could be feeling punches..
I personally would pay for a private scan if they won’t do it on NHS as it would ease my anxiety! I’ve been having regular growth scans and this was picked up on my 32 weeks scan. I did also have a private scan at 34 weeks to check the baby’s position. Breech all the way 🤣 it’s helped me to assess my options and prepare for what might happen… so if you’re worrying get checked out my love. The less last minute surprises in this game the better!!! Message me if you want Xxx
You can raise it with your midwife on your next appointment, they should be able to feel your tummy and tell baby position, in case they can’t they’ll refer you for a scan.