Nappies at night. Will wee in the potty but absolutely refuses to try to poop in the potty. She makes us put a nappy on her for her to poop into.
Pants in the day and never has accidents. Pull ups at night. Mostly wakes up dry but not always. And doesn’t wake up to wee so keeping him in pull ups for now. We call them his ‘night time pants’ because I didn’t want him to see them as a nappy.
Being dry at night is hormonal so don't feel like you need to rush that. That will come with age. My daughter was potty trained at 22 months but still wears a nappy at night xx
You can’t it’s a hormonal thing at night they just learn to do it can’t be taught xx
My son been potty trained for about a year now, and night trained for about 6 months. He was waking up with mainly dry nappies, so one night we just gave him the opportunity to go nappy free and he just got it (he still has the occasional accidents especially if he fallen asleep before him bedtime routine). We put a potty in his bedroom to begin with, made sure he had a wee before bed, mattress protectors and plenty of spare sheets with easy access. Ensured him it’s completely okay if he has an accident. He normally wakes up once’s a night, calls me and I’ll take him to the toilet. We just gave him the opportunity and followed his lead with it, he went about 2 weeks after taking him nappies away before he had an accident. Like normally potty training just plenty of patience and just follow their lead.
From what I know bedtime dryness is hormonal, I'd leave in nappies on a night until waking up dry for over a week.
My son has been toilet trained for almost a year now and nighttime probably around 10 months
We stopped using pull ups overnight when our daughter was consistently dry for a fortnight. She potty trained end of October and was quickly dry overnight but as others have said it’s a hormonal change not something learned
We moved when he was dry in nappies for a month and was waking to wee in the night
Been pants in day and nappies at night for about a year now. I’m going to keep him in nappies at night until he wakes for a wee/wakes up dry. The couple of times he fell asleep without a nappy he peed the bed so definitely not ready. Born end Aug 21.