@vicky good idea! Any tips around a running buggy.. either good features or what to do/not to do?
@Dani I got Thule urban glide 3 not long ago after hiring the urban glide 2 with the basinet when my LO came to test them out. Suspension is great. Did loads of research into all the other brands. Before made the big purchase a few months ago when. The 3 came out. But as far as I know you can’t jog or anything with baby in it til 6 months or so? But for good country walks or even city walks at a good pace they’re great with the suspension they have Like you I had no help to watch my LO. So found a trusted baby qualified sitter with good reviews off childcare website as a treat to myself now and then to be able to go to gym etc. I was like you and just wanted to get out and get moving.
@Emma thanks Emma! I’ve read up on the Thule ones and they look great, nice to hear a real life experience of them! I didn’t realise it was possible to hire them either, so I’ll definitely try that first. I’ve had a c-section so going to be a little while longer before I’m up to it but just getting prepared :-)
I got a second hand running buggy off marketplace. Hate running but its the only way i’m able to work out with my clingy child 😂