Induction - C-Section

If you were induced and the first 24hr pessary didn’t work - did any of you opt for an elective c-section?
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I went through 2 pessaires, a balloon catheter and the hormone drip and ended up with a c section - it wasn’t an emergency section but it was my only choice left 😬 I was 37+6 though

I did yes. Was the best decision I could have made as baby ended up being in distress.

I had an elective c section and it was the calmest experience ever. I just had my first born and I was very prepared of what was to come☺️

I am being induced in the morning. Do you have to go through all of the balloon etc before opting for c section? Thanks

@Jessie No they gave me the option before if I wanted to have a c section. My baby girl was breach!🙃 With an elective c section you don’t need to be induced I don’t think. Hope it all goes well for you xx

@Jessie I’m pretty sure they offered me a section at every stage. So if you want one just ask for it ❤️

They never mentioned the option to go straight to c-section, but it seems many inductions end up in emergency c-sections and I’d have avoided the chaos of that and just gone straight for it if I could knowing what I know now.

They say pessary rarely works to send you in labour.. It's very common to have to go to another stage. That's why they try the gel next unless your cervix isn't favourable then that's when they use the ballon I think.. C section they say is the last option x

I had 3 gels and 2 sweeps and no dilation (had some contractions) but we moved on from induction, we went in with a plan that if nothing came in 36 hours ie. Dilation we would decide for C-section. You can choose how you want to proceed! I’m so glad we did it this way as I was already tired and anxious. They called mine an “emergency c section” on the paperwork even though technically it was elective as there was no emergency about it.

@Khadiijah The pessary isn't designed to get you into labour per say, it's to soften the cervix to allow your waters to be broken. It can however work, but it's not the goal with it. For me, it absolutely got things moving 🤣 But usually would be pessary then use of gels if that hasn't opened and softened cervix enough to break waters. Then can use the drip to get contractions going if needed x

@Racel yeah I was a bit confused with these. I. Was told by a midwife before that it does send some into labour so I was a bit upset when it didn't help. My cervix has been super soft for weeks.. Just not dialated. The second gel sent me into contractions. They are getting so much more now 😭xx

@Khadiijah hopefully things are progressing for you 🤞🏼good luck! X

I went through 2 and I refused to continue ended up with c section.if I knew what I know now after one I would have asked for c section but no one made me aware of this option

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