I started before Christmas, then stopped. I want to start again this week.
@Sara why did you start and stop? How many days did you continue? Was there any successes?
I love in Dubai. My nanny who looks after my son while I'm at work was trying to do it in December, but I feel like she wasn't putting him on the potty often enough. She would just let him wear him potty training pants and the. Change him when he does a wee or poo in it. She seems to be putting him on the potty like once an hour. Then in December we came home to London for 2 weeks. I didn't want to potty train him in the cold weather, especially as he's not used to it. So I'm thinking to either try to start it on a weekend or just do it when I have my 2 week break from work.
I was just thinking of when to start potty training the other day!x