Chair method

Has anyone used the chair method for sleep training? If so how did you manage it and did it work?
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By chair method you mean sit in a chair next to the cot and cuddle to sleep? Then yes we do! I breastfeed my little girl till she's drowsy then so comes off and gets cuddles till she's mostly asleep before going down. It's the only why that works at the moment without there being tears (not just from her)

So do you put her down asleep?

@Jasmine the best part asleep or just so drowsy that she doesn't care she's going down (she usually opens her eyes, gives me an eye roll and closes them again 😅)

Ahh I see, we are trying the disappearing chair method to try and teach her to self-settle

@Jasmine we started introducing self settling in the night. When she starts making noise I'll not go in till she is crying for me then I'll go in. Last night she pumped herself against the got let out a big cry, rolled over and went back to sleep. It's been a great introduction to it for us. I'm not just ready to lose my bedtime cuddles yet

It seemed to work well last night, put her down at 19:30, she woke a few times in the night and we managed to settle her without picking her up and she stayed in her bed until 07:45 this morning, so hopefully this works 🤞🏼

We do the same as ebony currently, but I have read about this method and a few nights I’ve gone up and sat next to her and put my hand near her face until she fell back to sleep. It made me think the chair method could work for us

Yeah, we are going to give it a good go, the problem we’re finding with our LO is she wakes after the first sleep cycle and isn’t able to resettle herself, doesn’t actually go into a solid deep sleep until between 21:00-22:00

@Jasmine same. Mine does a false start. I saw on a video on Instagram sometimes that can be bedtime is too late.

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