What a horrible lady. He sounds like he is doing amazing. I had the same worries about my little boy but the HV and several speech and language therapists have told me that over 50 single words is normal and not a concern at this age. I’ve been making myself ill with stress. But I honestly think he sounds like he’s doing well. Boys are slower to talk than girls too 💖💖
Expecting any child under 4 to say please or thank you is expecting too much. Mine has great language and rarely says p's & q's. Go easy on yourself, you know the whole story and it sounds like she hasn't been around pre-schoolers for a long time!
Thank you all so much! I think it’s just the one thing that I’ve spent so much time worrying about after having a really rough time with glue ear and wanting to make sure we’re doing everything right for him. I’m so annoyed with myself that I didn’t stick up for him more but yeah unfortunately I’m a crier and also I don’t even want to be a horrible person especially in front of my kids. I do feel better for writing it down and eating nearly a whole tub of Ben and Jerrys haha. Honestly thank you so much for validating I’m not just a crazy Mum! X
I think you met my MIL (or one of her ilk). She is just a miserable old bag with no understanding of children. My 2yos didn't have glue ear and would have been exactly the same "me, me, me" and then probably grabbed the nuts off the other and then had a tantrum. Manners come but not aged 2...my now 5yo still needs regular reminders and his speech is fine. The problem is the woman's not yours and certainly not your son's.
He’s a gorgeous boy and lucky to have such a caring mum. I would be the same and she sounds like a c***. Don’t give it a second thought, feel sorry for her that she’s clearly so oblivious and stupid. My son is on a smaller centile always has been and I want to punch people often with how insensitively they tell me he’s so “diddy” and “small” I don’t go round telling people they are fat and ugly so why is it ok to comment on appearance at all? I get it but honestly they are ignorant. Forget about it tomorrow but it’s always good to rant xxx
@Hannah It just makes me more upset that she’s seen him happy and excited and felt the need to be nasty. It’s not even like she caught us 4 minutes earlier when he was crying because I stopped him eating mud or about 7 minutes prior to that when he was literally dragging his sister by her hood. My 3 year old started talking super early and basically hasn’t taken a breath since and you can have full, interesting conversations with her and I definitely worry more that we’re not at that level when really she’s beyond where she should be and I can’t compare. It’s just all overwhelming sometimes but thankfully my husbands told me not to worry so I’ll be working on doing that all evening 👀😂
Pay her no mind, you know she won't even remember it My nieces were much quicker to speak than our eldest was. In my experience boys and girls are really different with these things.
@Helen Sorry but that actually made me choke laughing 😂 It’s so true though! People are way too free with their opinions these days. If it’s not something nice then it’s not worth saying, especially to someone you’ve literally just met on the street. Thank you so much, it’s just the never ending pressure of am I doing enough and am I doing the right thing and the overwhelming Mum guilt. My husbands away until March and in a different time zone as well so not having that person to come home to and share the load with just gets a bit much and leads to excessive crying haha xxx
I remember when my little boy was poorly I took him to Tesco and put him in the trolley but put the blanket over him (I usually get him to sit on it but it was so cold) Some old woman came up to me and tried to grab the blanket and move it under my little boy. I went absolutely ballistic at her and was shouting telling her to not ever touch my child. The older generation are another breed. Very self entitled and think they can do and say as they please
@Alex It’s absolutely mad isn’t it! I wouldn’t dream of touching anyone else’s child. Even my sisters or closest friends, if they’ve made a decision for their child I’d never think to just grab at them. Unless someone’s visibly putting a child at risk then I don’t know why you’d randomly involve yourself. Different breed sums it up completely!
I think older people forget what children can do at what age. My daughter can say please and thank you but she almost never does it for strangers and does it at best occasionally and at random for me. I think saying ‘ta’ is really good going around a stranger.
Ooh what a cow. I always find it’s older people who get ridiculous and expect so much from young children - and share their opinions where it’s not needed! One of my favourite replies is “what a strange thing to say to someone”. She should be embarrassed. Don’t feel bad for not saying something though, it’s easier said than done. I had an old woman say “ooh should she be having that” when we were out shopping and LO had a tiny bag of chocolate buttons. Took everything in me to not say “actually yes Sandra, it’s that or she’s going to scream like a banshee”. As someone above said - we’re really lucky with my daughter’s speech, she’s so good but she doesn’t consistently say please and thank you. Because, you know, she’s just about 2 🤷🏼♀️. Honestly my 6 year old needs reminding sometimes. It’s so hard raising kids and the expectations of them doing x by a set time without any additional complications. Even the kids without any problems or conditions will be ‘behind’ with some things.
Don't feel bad for other people being ignorant. My older child didn't talk until he was 5+. Even now at 10 some things are really tricky and not easy to understand. I remember taking him to the playpark when he was like 7-8 years old and other kids mocked him asking why he speaks like a baby. It breaks your heart 😭 Luckily most people and kids are very understanding. Also my 2 year old doesn't speak at all yet. He makes funny noises. I usually call him an exotic bird 😅
It sounds like you're doing an amazing job 💙 he will get there in his own time. My 1st didn't speak until he was 3.5 and his hearing was fine. I dont know what it is with old people that feel like they can just spout this stuff with no care for anyone's feelings 😕 My only advice would be don't let it bother you, you're doing a great job ☺️