Breastfeeding basics

I’m really hoping to breastfeed but also don’t want to buy too much equipment straight away incase I can’t.. Would it be a good idea to get a basic manual pump before baby comes so I can take to hospital and if so, what would you recommend? Is there also anything else I should consider getting for breastfeeding now that I’d absolutely need in the first 48 hours or so? (Already have Lansinoh disposable pads)… I’ve bought a 6 pack or premade formula, one tub of formula and bottles/steriliser too if things don’t go to plan!
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I wouldn’t worry about having one straight away, get established with breastfeeding first. I ordered one when my first little girl was about 10 days old. I also got told off by my health visitor for introducing a bottle before baby was 6 weeks old as i could’ve nipple confused her 🤷🏻‍♀️ I had no idea that was even a thing so maybe speak to your midwife and see if she can advise you on that too! Good luck with your breastfeeding journey!! Xx

I was told your milk can take a couple of days to come in so I doubt you’d need to take a pump to the hospital. I don’t think they recommend pumping straight away either

Personally I wouldn’t worry about a pump for now, just wait to see if you want/need one. I BF for a year first time round and bought a pump that I used max 3 times. In terms of what you need in first 48 hours - NIPPLE CREAM! No one told me this so I had to send my other half out on a desperate dash 🤣 put on after every feed because once you get blisters it is very sore (they do soon pass and it’s fine again). I found Lansinoh good for day to day but the Bert’s bees one for a quick recovery if needed xx

Hospitals usually have medical grade pumps there if you end up needing to use one so I wouldn't buy a pump until you really need one. Like others have said, your milk can take a few days to come in too so likely won't need a pump.

Nipple Cream 🥰- lansinoh Colostrum Harvest Syringes if you’ve don’t this from home- it really is incredible liquid gold! If you have a pregnancy pillow or V shape pillow it’s helpful but not essential for when you get home just to give your arm a break! Plus if you end up having a c section it protects your stomach x I wouldn’t worry about a pump from day 1- but if you see a cheap one then there’s no harm having it t ready but not an essential for the hospital bag.

I bought a fraupow breast pump with my first when I just had my daughter. Wasn’t really expensive but was portable and fit in your bra which is ideal! Please don’t make the same mistake I did and not give the baby a bottle for the first 6 weeks! Introduce at least one bottle a day when the baby is a couple of days old. I didn’t and listened to the ‘nipple confusion’ chat from the midwife and she never took a bottle for our whole 15 months of breastfeeding 😵‍💫

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