Length/ head circumference?

Just curious, my health visitor said my little boys head is on the “bigger” side. Just wanted to compare sizes? My little boy is 12 weeks old. His length is 60cm and head circumference is 43cm. Please to feel obliged to answer, I just want to see. Worried mama x
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My health visitor never checked my LOs head circumference.

My boys head was 39cm circumference at his 6 weeks check and hasn't been measured since, he's grown into it though. As for me when I was a baby I was in the 90th centile of head sizes at that age and I'm doing fine so it really doesn't mean much xx

My boys head circumference was around 50 and his height 59 🩵

I don’t remember what my boys sizes were off the top of my head but my HV told me his head was on the bigger side compared to his length and weight being in proportion

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