I call my friends anyway. If there's a sticky subject that comes up I tell them hubby's working from home today and they know that means I can't talk about it right then. We can cover other stuff, and at least I can still talk about the kids and hear what's going on in their lives. If he's done something I must share, I will go to the garage for a few minutes to get it out, then head back inside. (And I say, "I'm going back in the house now...", so my friends know not to bring it back up)
@Bonny I unfortunately live in an apartment, so I don't have an outside space I can go in that isn't just outside. Usually I wait until he's gone to bed to talk to them but that doesn't always work since they all work and don't have kids yet. And their schedules have filled up at night lately with going out to clubs and stuff together
@Emily he doesn't really care if I go out or anything, but idk if I need to complain ab something (like everyone needs sometimes) he just gets like upset bc he doesn't agree. And if I text about it I'll have to delete it because he goes on my phone to "play with my stuff" but ik when I'm not looking he is doing something else I'm not stupid. I'm hoping I have a friend by the time it's warm again bc I don't have anywhere to go really if not. I mean I'll take our kid to the park but going with someone would be more fun to start🤷♀️