@Shaz I can't lie, they were really nice! 😅 I do indeed: https://messybunmotherhood.com/broccoli-tots/?fbclid=IwY2xjawH7hgJleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHWgUxU64u1zi0ZYxA3A_xQh6HDFT23JNF5Qj5-2rnAPuEH9TsbI0D2oAfw_aem_IVN4aaq0EROfYJGats5cbw I just switched it from normal potato to sweet potato because I think it makes it tastier
Looks yummy! Particularly the sweet potato, brocolli and cheese fritters! Would love to make them for my little one - do you have the recipe please? 😊