How to start intimacy

So it's been just over 3 weeks since I gave birth, everything feels fine body wise and ready to get intimate with my partner again, how do I start this when we've got a teenager and 5 year old in the house too? Plus he jokes about waiting another week so everythings okay down there 🤣🤦‍♀️ I've reassured him and joked saying everythings fine but how do I start things off if he wont?
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Well first most definitely wait. Don’t have sex before 6 weeks and before you are checked. You have a huge wound inside you that needs to heal. You could get pregnant again or get a huge infection so please wait. It doesn’t matter if you “feel” good

You can do stuff with him you can kiss and touch but nothing inside of you. But when you have hit that 6 week mark. You can dress up and do things that yall appreciate. And be sexy. Also just lots of touching and feeling for him and maybe that will help turn him on. Do the intimate stuff after kids go to sleep.

Noooo, its only been 3 weeks, definitely not long enough! Wait until 6 weeks

Maybe you are physically feeling alright and has been recovering well but remember the placenta leaves a huge wound inside you, and the time for waiting is also for you to heal in the inside. You just gave birth to a human being and surely things aren’t back to normality inside you

Lmao no, don’t do it, if you wanna get off get him to do oral and stuff but don’t put that pp inside of you till you’re 100% healed because f having to wait longer because you were impatient. If you’re that impatient then speak to your doc and get the all clear, also about initiating,wait till kids are in bed and just pounce😂😂

That's exactly how I'm feeling atm! I'm 3 weeks PP and I'm feeling great. however, just because I'm feeling great on the outside it doesn't mean I'm fulled healed from within (even if I feel great). Remember you're still healing from birth and the time frame given for healing is there for a reason. As @Barbara said there's still a huge wound healing within. Patience is key, but I completely get where you're coming from lol. I have a teen and 4 year old lol

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