How do you make time for yourself?
I’m so jealous of the Mums who go to the gym, lunch with friends, shopping, get their nails done, shave your legs, get your eyebrows waxed, read or have hobbies…
How do you do it?
Finding it difficult to look after myself. I’m loosing myself.
I work full time, out the house at 7:30am and travel back home from London then at 5:30pm from the nursery run (Mon-Fri). I have to make 1 hour up during the evening from leaving work early.
My husband travels during the week for work, which makes it hard for me to get anything done.
My boy is a night owl, he goes to bed around 8:45-9:15pm. I’ve tried everything to put him sleep at 8pm but I’m wasting my time in frustration.
Every day is just getting through and making it to bed. If I want to clean the house, put the washing on I’m going to bed gone 12 midnight!
Any tips welcome…
Maybe just my own thoughts/jaded viewpoint, but unless you have family nearby or you’re not the primary / mental load carrying parent, you don’t get more than 30 mins a day to yourself. Safe to say I’m in the 30 mins a day camp 😬 Anyone who is living the pre-kids lifestyle likely has family members who help, a partner who doesn’t have big work commitments, or can afford a nanny etc