How is your baby positioned ?

What position is your baby? Head down or breeched ?
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As of 2 weeks ago (30 weeks) baby was head down. I get an ultrasound tomorrow so we will see

Mines currently transverse still

@Emily how far along are you

32 weeks and I'm still breeched.

As of a week ago, my baby was head down. I’m 33 weeks now

@Carmen what was the doctors plans for you being 32 weeks and breeched

30 weeks

I am 34 weeks and baby is head down. ♥️

I’m 33 weeks and still breech, I’m also having a really big baby (93% percentile) so they’ve scheduled me for an induction a week early. My due date was March 13th. I wanted a natural unmedicated birth and now I’m leaning towards a planned c section of they’ll let me.

32 weeks breech

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