With you mentioning about home schooling paying for classes might be a bit of a stretch. I used to take my LO to music bugs classes. I would check if your area offer anything like that. I would also consider taking them to mums and tots groups as well so they are having the chance to make friends with other children.
My in laws bought my LO a microscope for Christmas and the idea is to go around the garden collecting things and looking at it. Then also got a book showing different insects you could find in the garden. I thought that was brilliant.
Axel books seem to have a lot of resources:¤cy=GBP&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google%2Bshopping&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAqL28BhCrARIsACYJvkdAS582foPs8zrnMl_gVLcRRNxyWKQDGrkgnx0trJW72c_W4WYENsEaAmNjEALw_wcB
Don’t listen to others pre-school is optional. EA curriculum: Free downloadable worksheets: I have seen workbooks on Amazon you could try. Miss Rachel has a good song to teach phonics that my LO loves. She does cover other areas as well. Good on you for wanting to home school. I know with me working full time it isn’t an option.