@Annika I do go once a month…I start going twice a week starting in February. I guess I’ll have to tell her I’m having issues in case treatment needs to change. I’ve tried the KT tape, used it in my first pregnancy and it was so nice. This time it breaks my skin out in a rash and causes me to itch so much!! Hope it helps you 
@Kaitlin definitely bring it up to see if there's something specific she can do to help! I'd honestly limit getting up and down off the ground as much as you can along with using the stairs. Bring everything you need down to the main level for the day and when you need to do changes, hold your toddler, etc, have them come on to the couch with you so it's less strain!
Can you get referred to a physio for some advice? I’ve seen one for general pelvic floor and it was so helpful. Most services you can self refer or ask your midwife/GP to refer x
Chiropractor is a huge help for me! I had it BAD with my last pregnancy and my only relief was when I saw a chiropractor. I'm also going to try some KTape to see if it helps!