So my husband was able to get me ancestry for my birthday and they received it. I’m just overwhelmed. I’ve never met my dad or his side of the family hoping I connect with him/ them even tho they might not want to or know I exist. I don’t know how things will turn out. Even if I don’t find him Just hoping I find peace and know where I came from. Unfortunately my mom/
Him made poor choices and I was kept from him sadly but I’m hopefully I can get some cool information I just feel anxious overwhelmed I want to cry. How was your experiences.
My mom found her birth mom through it and unfortunately it didn’t go as planned. Her mom gave her a false address to come visit her and wanted nothing to do with her. She was given away at 2-3 months old. She was a war baby. Shes always known one of her half sisters (my aunt) and they recently stopped talking after years and years (25+). I’ve heard lovely stories otherwise but jsut prepare yourself. Could be a lovely outcome