Probably a mix of both. Stress and hormones alot of people don't seem to have periods when they're breastfeeding as its a hormonal thing x
@Olga interesting but also wrong. I breastfed both my babies (one til 4m and the other until 17m) and my period returned 8-9wks pp both times. Incognito it could be that you’re still breastfeeding and stress - especially if stress was known to delay/throw off your period before pregnancy
Like others mentioned it could be a combo of both. My sister only got her period after she dropped all of her day feeds but I got my period 3 months pp even though I was exclusively breastfeeding.. so it can differ quite a bit. If you're concerned just get yourself checked.
@Sharnee that may be true for yourself but breastfeeding is known to stop periods. Some don't get them until they reduce the amount of feeds or completely stop.
Thanks everyone, it’s because it’s dragging on now I’m like hmmm is everything okay down there. I’m going to put a request into the dr
@Sophie ah maybe I should’ve worded it better.. yes I’m well aware that may be the case for a lot of women but I was simply letting the first commenter know that her statement was wrong - it’s not a definite for every mama and it’s not the same for everyone (just like periods in general or pregnancy). The rest of my comment kinda stated that it could be that incognito is still breastfeeding….
@Sharnee I apologize I didn't read your comment correctly, I thought you were saying that wasn't the case.
I’m the same still breastfeeding and no period yet x
If you breastfeed the baby you don't have periods. Once you stop, the period comes back in a couple of months.