I wonder if they’re going through some sort of phase at this stage? It would be good to know if they are!
I had this a few wills ago and turned out i had a few blockages so she was getting frustrated it wasn’t coming out quick enough. Try putting hot flannels on your breasts and giving them a massage or in the bath and massage them. It might not be but i found it was this. They were hard but not hurting so i assumed it wasn’t a block if that makes sense x
That sounds like normal newborn behaviour to stimulate more milk 😀
I asked a lactation consultant about this and shared a video of my 4 week old doing this. She said it was likely that they were getting frustrated with the amount or pace of milk. She has suggested making sure their body is flush with mine, so across mine with them one arm below my boob and one above. Alongside massaging my boob to stimulate more milk or squeeze my boob lightly to increase its flow. Hopefully that will help
My 4 week old does the exact same towards the end of a feed and she can’t seem to latch back on it!
I don’t have an answer but mine is exactly the same. He’s not latching properly, screaming, kicking legs and mouth wide open shaking his head around. He’s also not settling at all in his next to me as he usually would do. Trying to keep sane but also have no idea what he wants! - 4 weeks old, too.