My son (3mos) and I stayed with my parents for an extra week over Christmas while my partner had to go back to work so I feel like it would be pretty hypocritical of me not to allow him to do the same. I trust my partner to take care of our child and they deserve bonding time as well.
I appreciate the bonding time but he’s going away with his mum his nan and his two siblings.
My son is 2 years old, he is very attached to me . I have one business trip coming up for 7 days including travel time . My husband suggested it will be very stressful for my son to be apart for 7 days thats why we all 3 are traveling. My husband is taking off from his work to accompany us . I won’t leave my son for more than 3 nights anywhere. it’s not about trust or quality time but his requirement to be near his mother. It’s my thoughts only .
@Priyanka I agree he doesn’t see his role as a father as any different to mine as a mother. He feels he can provide for our son what I can. Despite my son and I co sleeping still and I’m currently still breast feeding and we are just as attached to each other. That’s nice of your husband to be so supportive mines just thinking about what he wants.
My husband is very much involved with my son . He spend daily good quality time . But in nights he only wants me . My husband can manage but it will be very stressful for both of them . I would suggest you to clearly communicate to your husband that you are not okay with it . If you have worry for your kid , don’t let him go alone . Go with your guts . 9 nights are too much .
My answer would be no. I love my partner i trust him. But i cant make my son suffer just because he want to go with his family somewhere. Kids by 3-4 they need more mum then dad. If he starts crying or is upset he comes to calm down to mum, not someone else.
I would not be comfortable with that. And mainly because my son is very attached to me and he’ll start ask for me very soon and will get cranky once he realises I’m not there. For 1-2 days I’d be ok though, not 9 days.