@Nazaneen thank you! also need to keep trying to get him to latch cause he doesn’t seem to have the patience, think i keep catching him after his nap and he’s already really hungry 😅
If your baby is used to bottles, you could always try a nipple shield to begin with. It'll feel more like a bottle niplle for the LO than. Keep trying it can be stressful at first. Also, if you speak to your health provider, theres usually people who'll help you by showing you how to do it, etc
I second a nipple shield, honestly saved my breastfeeding journey as he couldn't/wouldn't latch without it. Then at 6/7months starting latching without the shield and has continued to do so. It's not too late mama 🥰
Not too late at all. My LO started bf at 3 months as she would always immediately sleep on boobs. I kept pumping for milk supply and kept trying until she started bf. As far as there is milk, not late at all.
thank you all! i’ve invested in the medela nipple shields so i’ll give that a go and let you all know how it goes!☺️
I did an interview with my lactation consultant on my podcast regarding breastfeeding and she shares her contact info if you want to reach out. I would highly recommend speaking to her. Nurturing Bonds: The Benefits of Breastfeeding with a Lactation Expert https://youtu.be/R__UmJk39Lc
Your milk supply doesn’t regulate until 12 weeks so it’s not too late! Keep trying 🥰