I have two packs of doctor browns and two packs of the Avnet brand !
I would avoid any silicone bottles they tend to get yellow and go for the glass ones or plastic ones instead
@Noelle doesn’t the baby need to be fed every two hours? How do you manage with 6?
@bakhtawer just wash them after every 3 bottles well having an automatic brush made it quick and easy too
@Ashleigh u have enough u should be okay
Don’t you use sterilizer? It take about 40min
I plan to wash them as I use them for the most part . I hate dirty dishes in the sink 😂
If you’re planning on mostly bottle feeding, I would have enough for a days worth. I would not want to stress over cleaning and sanitizing multiple times a day and focus on the newborn. Until they’re at birth weight and ok’d by Dr, they will need to feed every 2 (maybe 3) hours so that’s about 12 bottles. I exclusively breastfed my first until she was 4 months but I do know that not every baby likes every bottle. With that being said, maybe get a few different types and invest in buying more of one once you know which one baby gravitates towards.
Maybe I’m crazy, but with my first we only ever had 4 and exclusively bottle fed haha. It was never an issue! We loved not having a trillion bottles to clean. But I can also see the convenience of always having a clean bottle in the cabinet and then doing one giant clean at night. So I think it’s just personal preference!
I only had 4 🤷♀️
@Abby i agree so much with this
@Abby did you have a bottle sanitizer. ?
6 will do the job i bought so manyyy and it was so much to clean🥲